Jello Dashboard 5.2 beta released


Once more, I got a real sense of improvement while coding for this version of Jello Dashboard. The great thing was that I finally managed to resolve some old issues which were hard to track and got some spare time to work with some new features.

There is full compatibility with the new version of Outlook 2010, although some features were disabled by the latest versions of Internet Explorer and Outlook. So, if you are using Outlook 2010 you cannot have the Outlook view controls when running JD in Outlook. That means, no Outlook widgets or Outlook folders in native view for you except if you run JD in standalone mode.


Some of the changes:

– There was a huge issue concerning the standalone and browser modes when user data were located in other than the default PST file. That was fixed.
– The information popup now displays at the top left of the screen without getting above of the top menu links.
– The home screen is faster now. Collapsed widgets will not load their contents until they are expanded and there is also a special startup mode with all widgets collapsed by default. This tweak was absolutely cool. JD homepage can be fully loaded quite fast when unneeded widgets are collapsed.
-Widgets contents can be refreshed using a new special button and after customizing a widget you won’t have to wait once more for the home page to load. That’s a time saver too!
-Review and Folder panels are now residing in two separate tabs, giving more vertical space. The Review panel is faster, it can display the full path of the tags and you can run a quite fast weekly review browsing through your contexts and projects with ctrl+shift+left and right arrows.
-Project list widget (quick view all your active or inactive projects along with their progress)
-Jello inbox zero widget (quickly process your messages one by one and empty your inbox )
…and some script loading was optimized to get faster to the home screen.

Again, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the project, by donating, sharing their ideas or reporting issues of the 5.2 alpha or the older versions.
You rule!

So… what are you waiting for? Get it from the downloads page!

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