02. Workflow

The steps for managing information in Jello Dashboard are the same as any GTD system.


a. Collect. A user can collect stuff by entering free text in the Collect screen or by just receiving them into the Outlook’s mailbox. Additionally, one can collect items on the fly from any Outlook folder currently opened.

b. Inbox (Process). All items previously collected and not processed yet are presented to the user for organizing into tag lists by assigning tags.

c. Review (and Do). A screen helping the user to get the big picture, take decisions and complete actions.



The Jello Dashboard GTD system contains these elements:

  • task Action: The basic item type of any GTD system. Actions are stored inside a user defined Outlook task folder.
  • list_components project Tag: Tags are used to divide actions into lists and are stored into the applications settings. After 5.1 version, there is distinction between tags (can used like GTD contexts) and project tags. The cause of this distinction is mainly for user review purposes. Tag organization is based on a hierarchy so their type can easily be defined by the user using folders. Additionally a tag can contain sub tags.
  • ffolder Folder: Folders are used for organizing tags into the hierarchy. A folder can contain tags or sub folders.
  • icon_link Shortcut: Shortcuts are used for quick access to specific elements without the need to dig into the hierarchy. Shortcuts can point to an action, a tag, folder or an Outlook folder.
  • folder Outlook folder: Users can have direct access to any Outlook folder currently opened into Outlook workspace to manage its items and create actions out of them.
  • user Contact: Contacts are used by actions to mark delegation or relation to them. Jello will use an Outlook Contacts folder defined by the user from the settings screen.
  • list_review list_nas list_someday System Tags: There are some tags (Next Actions, @Review, @Waiting, @Someday) which are vital for the system to work. Those tags are pre-defined and cannot be removed (they can be renamed though).
  • imageReference/Journal Items: You can have reference items in any list. Reference items are Outlook journal entries which can be connected to your tags and help you add log or reference details.
  • comment_yellow Unknown Tag/Outlook Category: In Jello Dashboard’s Inbox, all Outlook categories unknown to it are being displayed in a gray box. User can easily convert those unknown categories to tags with a click.
  • icon_monitor_pc Widget: A widget is a mini screen which can be customized and placed to the user’s homepage giving at a glance access to all things important. Type of widgets in this version are: Tickler, Tag Actions, Outlook View, Postit note, Web page, HTML fragment, Jello Dashboard Menu and the Important widget.
  • list_settings Setting Set: A journal entry containing all the user defined information Jello Dashboard needs to run. The hierarchy, tags, user prferences and widgets are all stored in here.

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